Hazmat Surveillance

Physical assessment and biochemical testing are the primary components of hazardous material examinations.
We provide medical surveillance on an on-going basis for your HAZMAT employees, and results are maintained for 30 years.
When indicated we include cardiorespiratory evaluations, such as EKG and pulmonary function testing.
We also include any indicated biochemical laboratory testing, as befits the potential exposure.

Hazardous material worker surveillance is customized to the known biological and environmental hazards to which the worker may be exposed, and thus the health assessment is a general health evaluation plus specific emphasis as to the potential exposures.
This includes a baseline examination, and then periodic testing; either scheduled or upon suspected exposure.
We are available 'round the clock for problems which demand immediate attention.


645 W. Orchard, Hermiston Oregon 97838

PHONE (541) 567 2600

FAX (541) 567 2690

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