Ergonomics in the Workplace

Ergonomics in the Workplace provides in depth instruction geared to implementing an ergonomic survey and management program for your Company. The goal is to enable you to identify risk factors in your operation and contrive solutions.

For example, awkward postures increase the force required to do a task and compress soft tissues like nerves, vessels and tendons. These postures can occur repetitively or continual(static postures).

Strong scientific evidence demonstrates that applying the principles and tools of ergonomics to known risk factors can effectively and inexpensively reduce the hazards to workers, thereby preventing many work related musculoskeletal disorders.

We can aid you in evaluating your workplace, and provide training and advice to minimize or eliminate the potential for task-specific injury. Two hours.


645 W. Orchard, Hermiston Oregon 97838

PHONE (541) 567 2600

FAX (541) 567 2690

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